Experts We’ve Contacted

We’ve also contacted way more!

To help with our project, we have contacted multiple different experts on different parts of the project. Such as multiple shipping container companies. One of the companies we’ve contacted are the Ocean Network Express (O.N.E), and Hapag-Lloyd. Another expert was Lucas Gibbons, who is a student at Boston University and is currently working on a device that could get rid of microplastics inside the water we use in washing machines. He helped us create equations to help us determine how much air foam would be needed to fill a shipping container (20ft containers and 40ft containers). We also contacted Dr. DeVogelaere, a Cal State Professor who helped us know the things we needed to install on shipping containers like a beacon of light to help people see the fallen shipping container and also a GPS (Solar powered) that would track its location to help rescue efforts to bring shipping containers out of the ocean.

Other experts we’ve contacted is the state senators of Illinois, Dick Durban and Tammy Duckworth. We contacted them to help with setting policy’s that shipping container companies must follow, which have none. The companies don’t even have to search for lost containers! We also wanted to make the regulations for the loading of containers better in order for them to be more stable and less likely to fall off.


Our Plan


Famous Shipping Container Crashes